20 Marketing Tasks You Can Check Off Your List in Under 10 Minutes

I hear it all the time (and I’m even guilty of it myself).  There are just so many things to do as an entrepreneur.  Our poor marketing keeps getting put on the shelf. “Later,” we say.  We’ll get to it later.  After all, it’s not going anywhere, right?  

Sure, maybe it doesn’t matter today. Not this very minute. You’re busy with clients. So busy that right now you don’t have time to take on a big project like marketing.  I get it, I get it. Marketing does feel like a big project. And it seems like a different expert is telling you each day that there’s another thing you need to do. How in the world can you keep up? Sometimes it feels like your head is barely above water as it is. 

But what if I told you there are simple, little things that you can do to start generating awareness, attention and momentum in your business today? 

Little things that only take a minute here, 5 minutes there, or 10 minutes MAX? 

Your marketing doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing.  

Think of it as insurance for your business. 

It might not be sexy. 

But you’ll sure be glad you have it in place when you need it. 

Start taking action today so the day never comes when you’re wondering where your next client will come from!

Are you ready? Just choose one to start with. All you need is 10 minutes!

1. Add a Call To Action to your Thank You Page

Got a freebie or lead magnet that you use to build your list? Great! (Don’t have one yet? That’s OK, but think about it soon!)  An often overlooked piece of real estate 

2. Change your Facebook cover photo

Did you know that when you update your Facebook cover photo (or page photo or group photo), it notifies people who follow you? Yup. Simple way to get slipped into the news-feed and be seen by your peeps! Oh, and you don’t even have to come up with anything to say. So it’s a 100% no-brainer! Swap out the photo and away you go!

3. Add a link to your Facebook cover photo

Here’s a sly little move that a lot of people don’t know about.  While you can’t technically add a link to the actual Facebook cover photo on your group, page or profile, the photo itself is clickable.  

Here’s what I mean - when someone clicks on your cover photo, it will open a window where you can add text including a LINK!  The best way I see this feature used is to create an image to use for the cover photo that looks like it has a button on it. Canva is a great tool to use for this! When someone clicks on your “button” the dialogue box will open, they’ll see your text and your link and they can even like it or comment! Boom! Free promotional space!

4. Send your social media post to your email list

Think this one is silly? Think again!  If you want to get extra engagement on your social media posts, take a screenshot of your post, copy the URL and plop it into a cute email to your list telling them why you think they’ll like the post.  

When they visit your post, they’ll be telling the algorithm that your content is relevant.  And that gives you more exposure in the news feed! If they comment, make sure you either “like” or reply to their comments.  Every single engagement counts, even yours!

Pro Tip: You can also assign this task to your VA to keep an eye on your posts and comments so you don’t have to respond personally yourself every time. Huge time saver! 

5. Ask a client for a review

Reviews, testimonials, case studies and comments on social media are PURE GOLD. But I’m guessing that you’d like to have more of these than you do.  The only way to do that is - ask! Take 10 minutes to draft out an email to a client or customer asking for them to answer a specific question about the results you’ve gotten for them or their experience working with you.  Tell them how to send it to you. Do you want a video? Do you want a post on your page? A comment on a post? Be specific. Your clients want to help you and support you and most likely they’ll be more than happy to help. All you have to do is ask. 

Bonus Tip: Make this a task you do ONCE and then rinse and repeat.  Craft a lovely email asking your client to write you a review and then SAVE it as a TEMPLATE you can use over and over. 

6. Reply to an inquiry with a video message

One of the most valuable assets you have in your business is - YOU.  Your face, your voice, your personality. And in a world where business + marketing can be so impersonal when you have a chance to have a personal interaction, take it.  You’ll WOW whoever it is on the other end.  

A great way to do this is to respond to an email inquiry with a video message.  Your face doesn’t have to be on the screen, though it can. But it’s super personal to hear someone’s voice and for them to hear you say their name.  If you have a few minutes to do this it’s huge! In my business, we use Loom. And I love it!

7. Go live on Facebook or Instagram

Strictly from a paid ads perspective, I like Facebook Live better. You can reuse the video to produce an ad super fast!  But either way live video is one of the fastest pieces of content you can create. It’s informal, which means you don’t have to be fancy (yay!) and that’s how viewers like it best anyway!  

If you’re planning on running Facebook Ads anytime in the near future, going live on social media is a strategy you can’t afford to miss. It’s the easiest and cheapest way to start getting eyeballs on your brand and your content.  Build awareness now and save moo-lah on ads later! So worth it. 

8. Add a wait-list option to your website

Is your program not available right now? Is your roster full and you’re not accepting new clients?  Why send people away when you can still capture them and get them on your list… for your next launch or when a spot opens up? Add a simple wait-list option to your website.  Just do it. 

9. Send a gift

Maya Angelou said, “At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”  Receiving an unexpected gift feels good. 

Even if you can only afford to send one.  Even if it’s a small token. Send one anyway.  Send a gift to a client, a prospect or someone who referred business your way.  Nurturing that relationship with a gesture like this will leave a lasting impression.  And you never know might come from that. 

10. Offer to be a case study

Have you bought a course or program that has changed your business? If you got good results or have a story to share about your experience, reach out and offer to be a case study.  Amy Porterfield has become a great example of featuring her students both on her website and on her podcast. Great proof for her marketing and great exposure for her students. It’s a win-win!

11. Connect with your mentor

Is there someone you’ve followed online, whose book you’ve read or whose podcast you’ve listened to that you’d like to thank? Reach out to that person and let them know the impact they’ve made on you.  Don’t promote yourself or make a pitch. Just simply thank them for what they’ve done for you. Connection is a powerful tool. 

12. Hand write a note

Really wanna stand out? Hand write a note to your students, clients or prospects.  It’s one of the most thoughtful things you can do. 

Pro Tip: Buy a pack of beautiful cards and a nice pen. Keep them in your desk drawer so you always have them on hand. 

13. Create an engagement ad

The easiest kind of Facebook or Instagram Ad you can create is an engagement ad from a piece of content you’ve already published. With engagement ads, you just can’t go wrong.  They’re cheap, they’re easy and they’ll start getting your brand in front of more people.  

Bonus Tip:  If you have one, use a Facebook Live video for the engagement ad. Video is highly engaging and will get you even better results!

14. Stockpile screenshots of your reviews 

Remember those reviews you’re going to start asking your clients for? Yeah, start taking screenshots of those to save for later!  Every time someone makes a lovely comment on a post, sends you a nice email or leave a review on your page - screenshot! When you need to add social proof to a sales page, POOF! You can just pull it right out of your folder!

15. Take screenshots of your results

Pretty similar to #14.  But this time take pictures of the actual results you’re getting for your clients. In my case, it’s screenshots inside Ads Manager.  Getting crazy low cost per lead? Screenshot. Getting 10x ROI? Screenshot. Whatever result you help your clients get, see if there’s a way to get an actual image of that!  Save it for later - you’ll want to add it to your sales page or even sales emails. 

16. Scour Facebook groups for your avatar

I’ll be honest - I was hesitant to add this one because scrolling Facebook can be such a time suck.  But I’m gonna suggest you set your phone timer to 10 minutes before you do this one… just to make sure you limit your time.  

Hop into a Facebook group where you know your ideal clients are hanging out.  Open up a google doc and copy and past their questions, comments, fears, concerns… whatever it is that they’re talking about that is related to your product or service.  Write it down! Make this your ongoing list of ideas for future words and phrases to use in your marketing.  

17. Add a CTA to your website

Here’s an obvious one - or is it?   Add a Call to Action to your website.  If you don’t have a place for someone to take action on every single page of your website (preferably above the fold), you’re missing out.  Have a freebie? Great. Add a CTA button. Want your ideal client to book a call? Great. Add a CTA button. Give them a chance to take the action they came to your website looking for.

They want help. If you can help them, then offer to!

18. Pin a freebie in your Facebook group

Did you know… you can pin a post to the top of your Facebook group page? It’ll be sticky so that everyone will see that post first when they’re in your group.  Now, why would you post a freebie in your group if everyone is already in the group? Well, it depends. If you have a freebie that is leading up to your launch, this would be a great way to get people on your launch list. 

If people can join your group without being on your email list, this is a great safety net for trying to catch those people and get them on your list.  But most of all, it’s also a wonderful way to add VALUE to your group. They’ll see you as a giver and think of you as an expert. And that’s what we want!

19. Seed your offer

If you’ve got something to offer your audience, it’s ok to spill the beans early. In fact, with our clients we’re seeing that “seeding” an offer gets better results than holding back until the very end to make a pitch.  

What does that mean? It means be more transparent.  The fact that you have a solution, an offer, or something to sell doesn’t have to be a secret.  You can drop hints in your emails or social media posts that something is coming. You can add a 

20. Run a Facebook Ad

Ok, so this isn’t a 10-minute task.  But that doesn’t mean it has to take a ton of time. I created a freebie to help you write ad copy that converts.

Hope you found this post helpful!  

Remember - even if you only tackle one or two of these things at a time, each little action will start to grow and build momentum in your marketing and will save you lots of headaches down the line.




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